

One day, I will write a poem about you.
I will write about your whatever hair
and your deep brown-blue-hazel-green-grey eyes.
I will write about how attractive I find you.
I will write about your toes,
because you’re the only one
whose toes I love.
I will boast about the good you are doing
in your whatever career.
I will tell my girlfriends
everything you secretly want me to say
but protest to all the same.
I will write about your hands.

We will travel.
We will visit places,
and we will take pictures
to show to all our friends
when we return home,
We will read in bed,
and we will watch movies
until our eyes grow heavy
and we melt into each other.
We will listen carefully
and think even more carefully,
and then speak with utmost care.
We will pick out Christmas presents
like our lives are on the line:
a beautiful whatever
for your beautiful mother.

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