
day 2

Dear Me,

I did it! I worked out again! Jesus Christ, two days in and I am on a role! Go me. Seriously. I had the perfect opportunity to back out because of so many causes against me and I still did it. Also, kudos on not freaking out when I temporarily lost my ID, that was swell. I handled it in a very mature, calm way, and it totally paid off because when I got back to my apartment there was an email from a stranger saying she had found my ID. How nice!

Productivity may be wavering a little bit in these most horrible last two and a half months (not that I'm counting or anything), but I am still getting almost everything done, and that is no easy feat for someone who has been diligently taking classes for the last 3 years straight, including summers.

And you know what? I really do have really pretty eyes. I really do. Sunflowers indeed. And really pretty lips. And my hair may be a little crazy most days, but I love it too.

I love that I'm a little crazy most days.



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