
do work.

Sometimes the things you wouldn't expect to help, actually do help.

I'm reevaluating the people in my life. Let's face it, this kind of forward thinking should have been done a ridiculously long time ago. I'm going to hang on to the people that love me no matter what: to quote Beth and Heather, "I wanna show you my love with my strength but I'm afraid I'll break you! I wanna hug you harder but I don't wanna break a rib!" (Good late night at Taco Bell.) As for the people that are around when it's convenient for them? Eh. I don't need that at this stage in my life. That was fine when I was younger and had more people to hang out with than I knew what to do with. These days, life is moving too fast for that and I want people to move in tandem with me. If I graduate, they're still there for me. If I move home, we'll still talk. If I move somewhere else, we'll visit. I should not be constantly angry with the people I thought were my friends. Good friends don't leave you confused and angry every single time you get off the phone.

The semester is almost over. I am gearing up to have a good final semester. I bowed out of any executive position in my organization, even the one I most wanted, in order to relax and have fun without any concerns. Jaimee and I are going to start working out together next semester because I have a rather lofty goal of getting my body to look like it never went to college. Come New Years, I won't be eating any fast food, just like last spring semester. Things are looking okay in the most tangible senses.

I don't care what people think or feel anymore. I'm going to work for me. For once. And I can think of a few people who won't be particularly fond of that. You know what? I just don't care.

Have you ever looked Fear
in the face and said,
"I just don't care"?

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