

This morning I had a dream that it was today and I was leaving to go back to school. I was walking from my house to Megan's (because for some odd reason all my things were at her house) and I was clutching the little brown bear you gave me when I was fifteen. When I was very near Megan's house, I heard you very loudly telling people I love at my house that you wanted to see me before I left and you were going to catch up to me. I heard you running down the road, and when you caught up to me you did not slow down: you ran past me to a group of people. You talked to them for a while. Then you went and looked at the cars in the driveway. Then you went inside. You never said a word to me. Then I left.

I have realized that I always say I want to come home and see my friends, but what really happens is I come home and I miss my friends. My really good friends. The ones who don't PMS on me every other day (which is an interesting thought considering all my other friends are girls).

And I don't appreciate you directing an entire entry toward telling me off. I was angry last night. Everyone was out with someone, and I was alone. But I don't have to explain myself, because it was a blog entry and I was saying what I was feeling. If I am going to wake up every morning after I compose an entry to find a publicized diatribe in my honor, I'm not going to feel able to write my thoughts.

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