

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming. OH OH O-OH! What do we do? We swim swim SWIM!

I may not be able to watch Finding Nemo on Netflix, but god dammit I will watch something Disney, because god dammit dreams come true! A dream is a wish your heart makes!

My brain is cracked. I think I've got some kind of mania on my hands here, too. I didn't want to admit it for some reason, but I've noticed that when I'm in a good mood and not thinking about how everything absolutely sucks, I'm hyper or jittery. Right now, I'm not necessarily happy but my hands are shaking and I'm vibrating. That's bad. Not to self-diagnose or anything, but that's probably generally bad.

And I'm sure pop psychology has its place and I'm sure some of those methods are very good and work on many people, and I know those closest to me only want the very best for me, but I just don't see how completely murdering a relationship that means a lot to me could ever be productive for me. Again, I'm sure pop psychology has its place and I'm sure that's a method that works for a lot of people, but I'm not interested, god dammit.

In other news, did you know there's really no difference between organic fruits and veggies and normal fruits and veggies? They taste the same. And really, calling a fruit or veggie organic is just repetitive redundancy. Silly hippies.

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